Swazi Red Outdoor 100G


Afropips Swazi Red is an African landrace sativa with the origin from the Nikomati region of Swaziland. Warm African weather has been a good back up for local cannabis strains to develop their full potentials.

SKU: 012Sr Category:


Swazi Red (Outdoor)

Afropips Swazi Red is an African landrace sativa with the origin from the Nikomati region of Swaziland. Warm African weather has been a good back up for local cannabis strains to develop their full potentials.

Swazi Red is a pure Swazi Roibaard, a marijuana with strong genetics and an interesting look. She got her name from the preponderance of red hairs in the compostion of the bud. In South Africa it is known as “Roibaard”, the Afrikaans word for red beard

Swazi Red is extremely resinous. Buds can reach the size of an adults forearm and covered with sticky juicy red hair are full of THC which is said to be as high as 20%. Higher THC counts over CBD produce a clear headed, energetic type of high. This marijuana strain has a strong odour, which has been compared to a fine cigar