G-13 Pure Indica 25G


SKU: 025G13 Category:


G-13: Pure Indica Stemming From Legend

G-13 (or G13) is a pure Indica that was supposedly grown by the U.S. Government using pure Afghani clones

The Legend Of The G-13 Cannabis Strain

The legend of G-13 begins at research facility located in rural Mississippi in the late 1960’s and early 70’s where the Government was developing marijuana strains with help from the University of Mississippi. Here, they grew many different plants in hopes of developing a super Indica.
These pure Afghani clones were supposedly labeled as G-1 to G-23. Each clone had slightly different characteristics and performed differently. It is rumored that G-13 was the most stable of these 23 different clones.
Rumor has it, that a man named Neville Schoenmaker got in contact with someone working at the facility that was known to be a bit of a rebel. One way or another, Neville eventually convinces this research assistant to provide a sample of G-13 to inspect — which is then spread all over the United States through Neville’s pre-established network of growers and connections.

It is widely known for its unique ability to provide full-body pain-relief with very little to no physical fatigue or feelings of heaviness. The G-13 strain tends to produce plants that spawn very uplifting Indica buds.

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